The LMRA First solution
of SBC enables you to stay
in control of safety conduct
within your organisation.
Bring future last-minute risks
to a bare minimum.
Either we work in safe conditions, or we don’t work at all !
Bring the focus of your staff members back to the primary and secondary elements of safety and give supervisors the tools to coach your staff effectively through real-time monitoring and analysis. LMRA-First is an application that enables you to control and direct the safety process.
The LMRA First solution enables supervisors to give their guidance and support within minutes of an occurrence (for example through SMS).
- No administration
- ± 2 hour’s time gained per week
- Offline reporting possible
- Ad hoc analysis
- Minimal interaction
- Complete safety dashboard in just two minutes
- Continuous validation of knowledge
- Notifications by person, time and location
- Safety checklists
- Pro-active approach
- Objective Kinney-analysis